Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Grade School Day Retreat

We would like to have a day retreat for the youth in grades 5-7 on June 13th, before the monthly liturgy. This would tentatively start around 11 or 12am and finish right before the Mass. Here is the tentative info:

Date: June 13th
Time: 12pm-4:45pm
Who: 5th-7th grades
Theme: Life in the Spirit
*we thought about including the 3rd & 4th graders for part of it, maybe lunch, so that they have something to look forward to

Here’s a sample schedule:
12:15 – Lunch
12:45 – Icebreaker/Game
1 – talk 1 – Love of the Father
1:15 – witness 1
1:20 – Game/stretch
1:35 – talk 2 – A Relationship with Jesus (Living in the Kingdom of God)
1:50 – witness 2
1:55 – Small groups (by grade & gender if possible)
2:30 – Game
2:45 – talk 3 – Living Life with the Holy Spirit
3 – witness 3
3:05 – Small Groups
3:20 – Praying over/ Worship
4:20 – Talk 4 – Where to go from here? Growing in a New Life
4:35 – Witness 4
4:40 – Close & Prepare for Mass

We need: Parents who are willing to help for the day with food, small groups, talks, and praying over. It was recommended that one parent from each family would commit to helping if possible. We would also try to get a lot of the college students who are home to come and help.

1 comment:

Mother of God Youth said...

PS. we were thinkinga about giving this retreat a name so that each year we could do something similar and they would come to expect it. Our high school retreat is called "Aspire" so we could all it "Youth Aspire" or another name I came across was "Ignight"